Green Party of Canada (original) (raw)

Green Party of Canada (Parti vert du Canada) was founded in Ottawa in 1983. It is an environmentalist political party founded on the principles of ecological wisdom, non-violence, social justice, sustainability, participatory democracy and respect for diversity. On the subnational level, it currently has affiliated parties (with or without official ties, depending on the local legislation) in all provinces except Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as in the territory of Yukon. On the international level, the party is a member of the Global Greens and of the Federation of the Green Parties of the Americas.
Source: Green Party of Canada at Wikipedia:
Tomislav Todorovic, 10 May 2023

The party flags are green, charged with several different variations of the logo in white. The English-language flag displays the stylized sunflower next to the full name of the party, word green being inscribed in large lowercase letters and words PARTY OF CANADA inscribed below in much smaller uppercase letters; the ratio is about 1:2 [1, 2, 3, 4].

The French-language flag displays the sunflower next to the party name in French, word vert being inscribed in large lowercase letters between words PARTI (above) and DU CANADA (below), those being inscribed in much smaller uppercase letters; the ratio is about 2:3, as revealed by the photo currently available online [5]. There is also a video [6] with the flag visible @0:22 and @2:51-2:53, although very few details are discernible (ratio, sunflower and its position).

The bilingual flag displays the sunflower between the words green and vert, the rest of the text being omitted; the ratio is about 1:2. In the video which displays it [6], it is visible @0:16-0:26, @2:51-2:53 and @2:59-3:01. There is also a photo [7] which displays just a few details of the design (incompletely displayed word "green" and the top of the letter "t" in "vert"), but it is clear that it is the same flag (the rest of the text is clearly missing); there is also a line of text, inscribed in tiny white letters near the bottom edge, which might include the information about the intellectual property of the design and the manufacturer's name, and seems to be absent from the flag seen in the video [6].

[1] Wikimedia Commons - Photo from Vancouver, on 2019-08-05:
[2] Alamy photo archive - Photo from Vancouver, on 2019-10-19:
[3] Alamy photo archive - Photo from Vancouver, on 2019-10-19:
[4] CityNews website:
[5] Twitter - Photo displaying the party flag, posted on 2019-08-19:
[6] Ici Radio-Canada T�l� website:
[7] Green Party of Ontario at Facebook - Photo uploaded on 2019-09-17:

All attached images are derived from the SVG image of the complete party logo from Wikipedia:

Tomislav Todorovic, 10 May 2023